HomeFlowers19 plants you should grow for your tea herb garden

19 plants you should grow for your tea herb garden

Having a tea herb garden is fun, beneficial, and healthy. Tea herbs are easy to grow. They are also extremely productive and you can grow them both indoors and outdoors. If you want to enjoy fresh, healthy and tasty herbal teas, you should definitely grow one of the below herbs. They are the best tea herbs for a tea herb garden.

  1. Levander

levander for a tea herb garden

Although it is not quite common for people to use Levander to make tea, it makes a great healthy and tasty tea. Levander flowers are sweet and fragrant, they make a delicious tea. Levander tea is perfect to calm your mind. Doctors recommended to relieve stress, alleviate a headache, and reduce tension. To grow Levander you will need to provide it with:

  • Access to full sunlight daily
  • well-drained soil

2. Lemon Verbena

Lemon Verbena for a tea herb garden

Lemon verbena is an excellent choice for a tea herb garden. Its leaves make a delicious healthy tea that enhances the digestive system, kills pain, and helps get rid of asthma. Lemon Verbena also has a unique sour and refreshing lemon flavor. This great herb is usually grown in subtropical and tropical climate. If you want to grow it in a cold climate, you should grow it indoors in containers. Either way, you should provide the following growth requirements:

  • Full exposure to sunlight
  • Temperature degrees should be above 14 F (-10 C) otherwise your plants will die

3. Mint

Undoubtedly, mint is one of the most popular plants for a tea herb garden. Mint makes an extremely tasty and healthy tea. Mint teas are largely known to fight a lot of diseases such as digestive disorders, abdominal pain, and stomach cramps. This lovely refreshing herb is easy to grow. It only requires a moist soil and accessibility to sunlight. You can grow mint both outdoors and indoors. If you want to know more about growing it indoors, take a look at this post.

4. Lemon Balm

 Lemon Balm for a tea herb garden

The Lemon Balm is distinguished by its lemon flavor. It is usually added to different dishes, ice creams, and teas to give them flavor and a nice scent. This fragrant herb prefers dry soil and partial sun. It is highly recommended you grow it in containers because it spreads really fast becoming invasive.

5. Ginger

Ginger herb for a tea herb garden

In Asia, ginger tea is the most popular tea. Both its roots and leaves are edible and suitable for making tea. Ginger tea is very healthy and thanks to its antibacterial properties, it has many medicinal uses that include curing diseases like cold, flu, and nausea. It also helps to heal digestive problems. Ginger is easy to grow and it only requires a moist soil and a sunny location.

6. Thyme

Thyme herb for a tea herb garden

This is one of the best ingredients of tea. It is also extremely healthy. It is advisable that you use it to cure stomach problems and a sore throat. Both the leaves and the flowers of this law maintenance are edible and ideal to make tea.

7. Chamomile

Image result for Chamomile herb

These plants are not only good for making tea but they are also very ornamental and attractive. Commonly, chamomile is used to improve sleep. It has a very calming and relaxing effect. For tea, you should use the flowers, not the leaves. Chamomile flowers make a healthy tasty flavored tea.

8. Jasmine

Image result for Jasmine herb

Jasmine is one of the best plants to grow in a tea herb garden. You can either add them to green tea or use them alone to make tea. If you are planning on making a jasmine tea, you should pick up some jasmine flowers, dry them well, and then use them for making tea. For growing jasmine, you need to provide it with support and full access to sunlight. You should also keep in mind that this plant does not like cold climates.

9. Stevia

 Stevia herb for a tea herb garden

Stevia is known for its sweet leaves that make an extremely tasty tea. It is one of the most recommended plants for a tea herb garden. This sugary herb is good for diabetics. It contains a natural sweetener that can replace sugar. Unfortunately, this herb does not like cold climates, thus you may want to grow it indoors in fall and winter.

10. Marjoram

Image result for Marjoram herb

This amazing plant has an exceptional sour flavor. It is a very healthy herb that is widely used to cure a variety of health problems such as poor appetite, liver disease, gallstones, intestinal gas, and stomach cramps. You should plant Marjoram in a sunny spot where it can receive full sun. It also requires well-drained soil.

11. Cilantro

Image result for Cilantro herb

Cilantro is one of the most used herbs in cooking. It is delicious and healthy. However, only a few people use it to make tea although it makes great tea. Cilantro tea clears toxins from the body and prevents indigestion. Cilantro is a tough plant, you will only need to place in a sunny spot and it will grow and produce heavily. If you don’t know how to grow cilantro, you should read this article before you start.

12. Rosemary


Rosemary tea is very popular because it has several health benefits such as improving digestion, preventing heart diseases, and promoting cognitive function. Growing Rosemary is easy.  It requires full sun and a warm climate. If you live in a cold area, you should probably grow this herb indoors. Here is an article that will help you.

13. Fennel

Image result for Fennel herb

Fennel is a healthy herb. Its seeds are used to make tea. It is believed that Fennel tea can cure many disorders and diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, bloating and flatulence. It requires a fertile good quality soil and a partial to a full access to sunlight.

14. St. John’s Wort

Image result for St. John’s wort herb

It is easy to grow this herb. It is known for its wide range of medicinal uses. Mostly, it is used to heal nervous disorders such as insomnia, depression, anxiety etc. Nonetheless, this herb has formidable side effects. You should be careful using it.

15. Sage

Image result for Sage herb

Sage is one of the healthiest plants to grow in a tea herb garden. Sage tea is very healthy and it can help remedy some serious diseases including depression and Alzheimer. Sage is easy to grow but it needs constant regular watering.

16. Viola tricolor


It is widely known as pansy, This plant is rich in flavonoids, saponins, anthocyanins, and carotenoids which make it a natural fighter against cancer and other horrible diseases such as skin diseases and allergies.

17. Basil

Image result for Basil herb

Basil is one of the most popular herbs. It is deliciously healthy and it can be added to a variety of dishes. Besides, Basil is great for making tea. A cup of basil tea every day is enough to keep away asthma and cough, cold and influenza. Moreover, basil is also used to lower the level of sugars in blood and to fight heart diseases. If you want to grow basil, here are all the instructions you need.

18. Catnip

Image result for Catnip herb

This is a great edible and medicinal herb. It is good for headaches, insomnia, and diarrhea. You could use its flowers and leaves to make tea.

19. Lemon Grass

Image result for lemon grass herb

Lemongrass is also a popular herb mainly used in cooking. You could use it to make tea and to keep pests away from your garden. In order to grow lemongrass, you need to provide it with a sunny location and water it regularly.

These are the best plants to grow in a tea herb garden. These plants are highly productive. They will allow you to enjoy a variety of flavored teas.




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